The Through Line

Years ago, I wrote my first screenplay. I read the book, Screenwriter’s Bible, I wrote the screenplay, and sent it off to the author of the book who is a script consultant. After feedback and suggestions for changes, he gave it a greenlight for marketing to Hollywood, of which I never did. However, my effortsContinue reading “The Through Line”

The End Times

There are Christian ministries centered around the topic of the end times. The leaders of these ministries are often called dooms day preachers. When I was in the church, I was always fascinated by their messages. I would get so excited when I would listen to one of their sermons, because they were very convincingContinue reading “The End Times”

The Ten Virgins

Yeshua often used parables in his teachings to illustrate spiritual concepts. In his parables, he used everyday activities that were familiar to his first century audience, like fishing and sowing seeds. Yeshua did not interpret the parables to the masses. However, he did reveal the hidden meanings to his disciples in order to help themContinue reading “The Ten Virgins”

Christ the Lamb

A lamb is one of the gentlest creatures on Earth. It is no wonder why the lamb would symbolize peacefulness. It also makes sense that the Prince of Peace would be called the Lamb of God by John the Baptist. John knew that Christ was not like the other fellows that had come before himContinue reading “Christ the Lamb”

Know Him in the Now

I want to share the lyrics of a song that had a major impact on my life thirty-five years ago. At the time, I was attending a mega-church in Phoenix, AZ, and my spirit longed for the living water that Christ talked about. It was during that time that I started crying out to GodContinue reading “Know Him in the Now”

Gleaning Wisdom

The stories in the Bible are full of gems. When we read about one of the patriarchs of our faith who makes a mistake, we can learn from their errors and avoid those pitfalls. Some mistakes are glaringly easy to recognize.  I think we can all agree that the events leading up to David’s betrothalContinue reading “Gleaning Wisdom”

Peace in the Middle East

Writers are artists that paint pictures with words that move the emotions of others. Twenty-seven hundred years ago, a prophet named Isaiah wrote a beautiful passage, a vision of peace on Earth. The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, The leopard lies down with the kid; The calf, the beast of prey, and the fatlingContinue reading “Peace in the Middle East”

Christ Lifted Up

Christianity teaches that Christ being lifted up on the cross is the only way to achieve salvation and eternal life. In this post, I want to take a good look at the phrase, lifted up, from the perspective of the Hebrew meaning.  The Hebrew word for lifted up is, Nasah. It is used in theContinue reading “Christ Lifted Up”

The Three Times God Spoke

The gospels record that there are three separate times that people on Earth audibly heard the voice of God. I think we can all agree that for God to have uttered his voice, the subject matter must have been of utmost importance. The first time recorded that God spoke, was when Yeshua got baptized byContinue reading “The Three Times God Spoke”

The Truth

The concept of truth in Hebrew is not just a fragment or partial entity, but includes the entire substance, the whole. This is depicted by The Hebrew word for truth, which is emet. Emet is constructed of the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the exact middle letter, and the last letter. Truth, in Hebrew,Continue reading “The Truth”