The Three Times God Spoke

The gospels record that there are three separate times that people on Earth audibly heard the voice of God. I think we can all agree that for God to have uttered his voice, the subject matter must have been of utmost importance. The first time recorded that God spoke, was when Yeshua got baptized byContinue reading “The Three Times God Spoke”

The Truth

The concept of truth in Hebrew is not just a fragment or partial entity, but includes the entire substance, the whole. This is depicted by The Hebrew word for truth, which is emet. Emet is constructed of the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the exact middle letter, and the last letter. Truth, in Hebrew,Continue reading “The Truth”

Seeking the Kingdom of God

Thanks to the Gospel of Matthew, the author has taken the writings of the disciple, and has given us one of the most valuable pieces of the New Testament.   The teachings, known as the Sermon on the Mount, are instructions of Christ spoken to his disciples only, and they are the directions on howContinue reading “Seeking the Kingdom of God”

The Refuge

In order to understand this blog, one must realize what Yeshua meant when he said that you will know a tree by its fruit. Christ said, “you do not gather figs from thistle or grapes from thorn bushes.” In this example, Christ was showing the stark difference from one who walks with God and producesContinue reading “The Refuge”

The Mind/Heart

Moses wrote in Deuteronomy 6:5, And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and will all your soul, and with all your might. Approximately thirteen hundred years later, Yeshua, repeated those words as recorded in Mark chapter 12. When asked by a scribe, “which is the first commandment?” Yeshua replied, “ItContinue reading “The Mind/Heart”


What is love? According to the English language, love is an intense feeling of deep affection. If you compare this to the Hebrew word for love, which is hesed, the English definition covers only half of the equation. In Hebrew, love is not only a feeling, it is an action as well. It encompasses faithfulness,Continue reading “LOVE”

Human Sacrifice

In this modern era, one would think that the practice of human sacrifice would be obsolete. In the culture that Abram left four thousand years ago, archeology has shown that they not only sacrificed animals but humans as well. According to a New York Times article, it was a violent death by driving a spikeContinue reading “Human Sacrifice”

The Gospel

The word, gospel, has its roots in ancient Greek religion. Originally, gospel was a term used for a sacrifice offered for good tidings or good news. When good news was delivered, a gospel offering to show appreciation to a deity was put forth, and it was generally in the form of a blood sacrifice. Eventually,Continue reading “The Gospel”


When I was in the church, every time I heard a sermon on the end times, whether it was from the pulpit or TBN, the unsaved world was referred to as Babylon. In chapter 18 of Revelation, the demise of Babylon is announced by an angel in the heavens who proclaims with a mighty andContinue reading “Babylon”


I’ve been shown that a movement of God is coming, and it will involve many who identify within the LGBTQIA communities. How can that be when the Christian Church literally rallies against these very people? The Church’s ammunition to attack comes from the Laws of Moses recorded in Leviticus, the story of Sodom and Gomorrah,Continue reading “LGBTQIA”