I have been given a difficult job. I am supposed to warn the largest group on this planet that they are heading for disaster.
I can see it clearly in the spirit. These people are in a vessel much like a huge ocean liner, and it is filled to capacity.
Just like the Titanic, these passengers were also told that this ship is unsinkable. They are assured by their captains that their safety is guaranteed if they remain onboard.
The passengers were given tickets for free, no actions required. However, they are highly encouraged and often pressed to generously tip their captains.
Everyone on board knows who the man is who provided the free tickets. He is a renown humanitarian who has done great feats.
On their voyage, frequent meetings are held to honor the man and to discuss his major accomplishments as he is deeply revered by this group.
The ship’s captains report that they talk to him daily, and they bring back the great news of what he has said.
The passengers are told that when they get to the other shore, they will surely get an opportunity to meet him in person, and they rejoice at the thought.
Everything looks perfect, yet it is not.
I see that this ship is horribly off course and heading for a massive storm out in the middle of the ocean. This ship will not remain upright through this storm. It is going to capsize.
For the past three years, I have been sending out SOS signals, and have not received one single response.
I want so desperately to warn the captains and let them know that they are off course. However, it appears that they are deaf and cannot hear me.
I would send up flairs to alert them, but if they are deaf then most likely they are blind as well.
It is not the captains that I am so grieved about as they are a proud group. Even if they could hear and see, they most likely would not heed my words.
That has certainly been the case with others who were sent to warn religious leaders throughout history.
No, it is not the captains for whom I grieve, but rather the innocent ones onboard who are putting their faith in those leaders, believing that they represent God when they don’t.
He who has ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church.